The biggest aspect that influenced my short film was my own experience of grief and how it has effected me. My Grandma passed away in late 2015 and I have struggled to get over it as I was very close to her due to my mum being at work all the time and her looking after me. If I'm honest she was my closest grandparent and I never let myself get over her death because I didn't want to let go. I am doing this as my topic in my short film to help me express my grief and try to help my self start to move forward. I am also doing this to help anyone else who has also suffered the loss of a close relative and is struggling to get over it.
Another aspect that influenced my idea was the tv show "13 Reasons Why" because it is about a girl who kills herself and throughout the show she gives the thirteen reasons why she did it. The whole show had a very mysterious yet quite depressing atmosphere and that is the type of effect that I am trying to recreate in my own short film.